How To Save Water Usage at Home

3 min readApr 19, 2021


How to save water usage at home
source : pixabay

Reducing water usage at home is really quite easy, and we will take a look at ways of conserving water, and this, in turn, cuts down on the water bill. Often water is plentiful from heavy rainfall, and then comes the drought when dams and water stores shrink and dry up, and once again we become aware of water conservation, and ways to save water usage at home are all important!.

Ways to Save Water Usage at Home

  • Fix dripping taps immediately.
  • Put a timer in the shower for 3 minutes, mainly for the kids who stay under the running water for ages, tell them they have to get out when the bell rings.
  • If you have small children bath them in the same water.
  • Save up a full load of washing before you put the machine on.
  • If you have a vegetable garden, put in a watering system.
  • Get a low flush toilet
  • When brushing your teeth, be mindful of water usage

How to Save Water in the Bathroom Kitchen and Laundry

As our population grows, our need for water becomes greater. In the suburbs, most water is wasted in the kitchen bathroom, and laundry. Experts say that by reducing water use by 50 liters a person every day, we could avoid the need for new dams and desalination plants, and maybe, even lift restrictions on water usage. During a recent drought, we were encouraged to use grey water in our gardens.

The Shower

  • Get a water-saving shower head
  • If you don’t want to change the shower head try the use of a flow restrictor
  • Install water-efficient taps

The Toilet

  • If possible replace your whole toilet cistern system. The new dual flushes are so much more water-saving. The old toilets wasted so much water, that they really need to go, sometimes water companies offer rebates coupons and incentives on this type of replacement.

Saving Water in the Kitchen


The new energy-saving dishwashers are once again, much more efficient with their water use. Using mostly less water than would be used when handwashing the dishes. Also, you save water by not hand rinsing the plates before you wash them. Just scrape off food and put the dishes into the dishwasher and turn it on.


If taps are a long way from the hot water system you are wasting water while it warms up. You could fix this by installing a water re-circulation system to intercept cold water before it goes out of the tap and pumps through the cold water inlet and to the hot water tank. You activate this system by pressing a button when hot water is required. A thermostat detects when water is hot and switches off. The pump uses minimal energy.

Saving Water in the Laundry

Washing Machine

The front loader washing machines use a lot less water than a top-loader and are initially more expensive, but worth the outlay. Once again, there are sometimes rebates offered on water-saving washing machines.

Some people reuse the water in their gardens, but it is best to only reuse rinse water or you may kill the plants with chemicals.

Laundry Taps

Check that none of the laundry taps are leaking, and if there are leaks change to new taps.

Install a Rainwater Tank

If you live in a house, install a rainwater tank. Have it properly connected to the house down pipes. If you live in a tropical area you will harvest a lot of water and may even be able to drink it. In the city it could be polluted, so use it in the garden. Twice a year get someone to clean out your gutters of leaves and twigs, or a dead bird, to be sure that the water flows into the tank. If you have a garden the natural rainwater is better for the plants as there are no additives. In the old days, everyone had water tanks, and this was the main source of household water use, now you don’t see many in the suburbs.


There are many ways to save water usage at home, and if we can reduce our demand for mains water, it will ultimately mean a lower water bill. and less storm water runoff into the ocean.



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